Feeling completely lost while trying to figure out your carrier or wrap?

Wanting to carry your child but worried it's not safe and might hurt your baby's legs and hips? 

Looking around wondering how other parents seem to love it and you're not?

Let's fix that!

Babywearing Download is a super simple, no fancy-talk, online training series to bust through your frustration so that you experience absolute ease, confidence, and joy with your carrier, wrap, or sling! 


These trainings are for you if: 

  • your baby just wants to be held all day and you want some flexibility back 
  • it's not possible to get along to a local babywearing meet-up to try out carriers
  • you have no one to show you how to use your wrap/carrier
  • you can't access a local consultant for support
  • you want to get the best use out of your wrap/carrier, carry your baby correctly, and feel totally joyous! 

These trainings aren't for you if: 

  • you're wanting to learn advanced carries - only the basic fundamentals in this program are available

I don’t make things hard or complex (we're all too tired for that!). We are designed to carry our young and I'll simply show you how easy and joyous the experience can be. We are born to carry, and to be carried. 

For $59 you will receive:

  • 5 beautiful video chapters that will guide you through the simple steps to carrying safely & comfortably, the different options available and how to use them properly. These are easy to listen to while you're feeding, tidying, or chilling with your baby.
  • 2 x group check-in meetings twice a month conducted via interactive video to ask me questions and get clarification & support (VALUED AT $180)

  • Invitation to join our private supportive Facebook Group with parents on a similar journey to yours and where I'm able to support you in real-time as you need it all year-round! 

  • A content, happy, and loved up baby! (priceless!)

  • A parent with more flexibility back in their life = happiness! 


    In the training series I will make sure you know how to carry your baby safely and that you are feeling totally confident and overflowing with joy so that you don't put up with discomfort or concern about carrying your baby safely ever again! I will show you how to support your baby's developing hips and spine, the different options available to you, and how best to use them as your child grows.  

    PRESS PLAY on the video below and let me know if you've been here. 👇



    30 Day Money Back Guarantee! 

    If you aren't satisfied within the first 30 days and you've tried the training series & my assistance, than you can get a full refund! You've got nothing to lose! Join & if it's not helping you, send me an email and get your money back!  

    “We are a carrying species, that’s not something that is going to change by decree or attempts to nullify it.” Dr. James McKenna

    Our children are born wanting to be held, the most practical solution is a baby carrier to meet their needs and make it EASIER on you!

    “Babywearing can seem very intimidating at first, but Brooke is very resourceful with her knowledge.” Kelly Marie Johnston
    “Brooke is absolutely amazing - she is super helpful and goes above and beyond to help.” Shara King

    This training series BEAUTIFULLY presents all the ESSENTIAL information in ONE PLACE and is explained in a language that you can UNDERSTAND so that you don't feel confused for a second longer!

    "Brooke has been amazing with tips and guidance for me as I am learning to    wrap! Amazing service." Dani Arthur
    "Brooke was amazing with helping me choose the right carrier for me and bub, I'm absolutely loving it." Tegan Medcalf

    Let’s get on with it and carry our babies because IT WORKS and the benefits go deep within us and our children. It doesn’t have to be fancy or scientific. Just pick them up, be safe and let the carrier be an extension of your arms. I'll show you how easy it can be! 




    • Q: "How long will this take me? I don't have much spare time."
      A: Who does?! The training series is designed for you to have all the information you need at a click of a finger. You can go through it as slowly as you like, or as quickly as you like, and refer back to it constantly whenever you need. Each chapter has short 10 minute videos that you can listen to while chilling with your baby, tidying up, feeding etc! 

    • Q: "I already spent so much money on a carrier, should I really spend more?"
      A: I get it! Baby carriers don't come cheap! Here's the thing though, to make the most of your investment on a carrier, you need to know how to use it properly and enjoy it! This is what the training series is about- making sure your carrier is worth every penny and more! 

    • Q: "I think my baby just doesn't like being carried. Should I give it up?" 
      A: 100% no! I'd love to support you in the training series. Majority of babies LOVE to be held close and secure. Through the training series you will learn how to place your baby in a carrier where they sit optimally and comfortably. I'll also share bonus tips to make sure they are settled and calm! Let me help you find bliss!

    • Q: "I work with mothers and families. Am I able to use this information as a professional?"
      A: Absolutely! You will learn so much valuable information in here. You will feel more confident and equipped to advise your families on their best and safest babywearing options!

    • Q: "I live in England, can I still purchase this program?"
      A: You sure can! This training series can be enjoyed in any part of the world, day or night. Whenever and wherever you're available, the training is available too! I will often change up the group call times too so all timezones can access the call at a reasonable hour.  

    •  Q: "Will you only talk about the brands you stock?"
      A: I actually don't mention brands at all! The training series is simply about you learning the fundamentals of how to carry your baby safely for optimum enjoyment & what will suit you both best! This is about big picture babywearing & how it can be of the biggest benefit to your life!