Babywearing and Hip Dysplasia

October 18, 2021

Many parents wonder if they can still use a baby carrier if their baby is in a brace and being treated for Hip Dysplasia. The short answer is usually always yes! Which is great news. It’s about finding a suitable carrier style that is comfortable for you and your baby whilst they are in the brace.

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Toddler Baby Carriers

May 02, 2021

There's always a point when your toddler or preschooler's legs get tired and they just want you to pick them up. Thankfully there's many baby carrier options out there that I can tell you about! And there's many more benefits to carrying your toddler too, not just saving those tired legs! 

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What are TICKS Babywearing Safety Guidelines?

February 05, 2021

Saftey is the #1 priority when carrying your baby no matter the age of your baby or how experienced you are. You need to do a TICKS safety check every time you set your baby up in your carrier, wrap, or sling.

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How to get your baby to like the baby carrier

July 19, 2020

Some bubs like their personal space more than others, but if bub wants to be carried in-arms constantly (#normal) than we should be able to get them settled and content in a carrier.

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Travelling with Baby Carriers, Wraps, and Slings 💖

November 18, 2019

Are you looking for ways to make your next holiday trip easier with babies and toddlers in tow? I can assure you that you'll want to have a carrier or two with you to free up your hands and make getting from A to B a whole lot quicker!

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What do Shoes and Baby Carriers have in common? A lot, actually!

April 12, 2018 2 Comments

This is just something I've come up, there's no scientific evidence or facts to it, but I think it really helps put things in perspective and can help you understand the differences involved with baby carriers without getting overwhelmed. 

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How can I breastfeed while babywearing?

February 08, 2018

Combining these two skills can take some practice and patience. What baby carrier/sling can you use to breastfeed your child in? How can you do it safely? What are the benefits to yourself and your baby (stacks!)? So let’s get straight into some simple guidelines for success.

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Is it normal to have a clingy baby?

November 15, 2017 1 Comment

Many of us mothers bring our babies into the world and are met with an outpour of well wishes and congratulations. We usually have some hands on support from our friends and family for the first couple of weeks, but then things slowly dwindle down, and suddenly we're left alone to care for our infant.

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Axel Leo- From Conception to Birth.

October 19, 2017 1 Comment

This is my birth story of our second child, Axel. Born in water at home.

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How To Avoid Buying A Fake Baby Carrier

July 31, 2017

fake baby carrierBabywearing is a beautiful tool that so many parents find invaluable in those first few years.

Unfortunately, even in this industry, there are companies and people who sell carriers that are fakes or blatant rip-offs of well-known brands.

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Babywearing While Pregnant – Third Trimester

July 10, 2017

babywearing in third trimesterWell, here we are! The third and final blog in our babywearing while pregnant series.

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6 Tips for Successful Shopping Trips While Babywearing

June 25, 2017

babywearing at the shopsI thought it was time to talk about shopping while babywearing. After all, it’s a bit of a different experience than shopping with a pram ;-).

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How To Wash Your Baby Carrier, Woven Wrap, or Ringsling

June 19, 2017

Washing you carrier is super simple and easy! Follow these quick tips to make sure you care for carrier, wrap, or ring sling properly.

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How To Belly Wrap with a Woven Wrap

June 12, 2017

belly wrapping with a woven wrapThere are a few things you can use your wrap for right now to start softening it up and practice using it, but perhaps my favourite is belly wrapping!

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All About Onbuhimos

May 14, 2017

who, what, and how of onbuhimo baby carriersCurious about Onbuhimos? Not sure if they’re right for you? In this week’s blog, we delve into exactly what they are, where they came from, and who they’re great for.

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How to Use a Stretchy Wrap

May 01, 2017

stretchy wrap tutorial blog articleStretchies are an amazing baby carrier for newborns and smaller babies. They are easily the most snuggly baby carrier option – soft and mouldable.

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Babywearing While Pregnant – Second Trimester

April 16, 2017 2 Comments

babywearing while pregnant

Well, I’ve made it! I’m basically at the end of second trimester. Your body and your experience might be different, but if your pregnancy and first toddler are similar to mine, here’s what you might notice during second trimester and babywearing...

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How to Fix Your Woven Wrap

March 27, 2017

how to fix your woven wrapHere are the most common woven wrap fabric problems and how to fix them!

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9 Types of Babywearing Parents

March 17, 2017

9 types of babywearing parentsIsn’t it fabulous how different we all are? Even though we all use many the same incredible tools to parent with (baby carriers!), we all have different approaches.

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Public Criticism of Babywearing – Best Comebacks

March 12, 2017

best comebacks to babywearing criticismsWouldn’t it be fabulous if every time we chose to babywear in public, strangers would smile at us, say something encouraging, or perhaps even better… just mind their own business.

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8 Essential Tips for Successful Babywearing After A Cesarean!

February 27, 2017

babywearing after a c-sectionThere’s no doubt that babywearing is one of the handiest tools for new parents, especially those with young babies. But what if a mum needs to undergo a C-Section for baby’s
birth? Whether you are planning a Cesarean, recently went through one, or are doing your research “just in case”, this info is for you, mama!

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How to Transfer Your Sleeping Baby From the Carrier

February 13, 2017 3 Comments

babywearing sleep transfer baby  

This week, we're talking about some ideas on how to get your baby to transfer out of the carrier and into the bed/cot or wherever they might sleep at night.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Do PreNatal Exercise (Like PreKanga!)

February 13, 2017

prekanga north lakes brisbane pregnancy exercise classWhy do I recommend Pre-Kanga as an awesome Pre-Natal exercise option? Ohhh so many reasons… here we go…

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Why Napping in the Carrier is a GOOD Thing

February 06, 2017 5 Comments

napping in the baby carrier

HELP! My baby keeps falling asleep while they’re in the carrier! Or perhaps more accurately…My baby will only fall asleep in the carrier!

If you’re terrified that your little darling is getting set up for terrible habits and might just never sleep without being attached to you or in a carrier, please read on.

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