Babywearing Intensive Training

🔸 Do you have minimal to basic experience with baby carriers and feel alone trying to figure out the best advice to give the parents you work with? 

🔸 Maybe you're not feeling confident playing guess work on what you've seen & heard and want to confidently advise on the safest and most up to date recommendations? 

🔸 Or maybe you sort of know the basics but are stuck when it comes to twins, premature bubs, or hip dysplasia issues? 

Without doing proper training, you may unknowingly be giving out information to your clients that is misinterpreted or ill-informed, resulting in unsafe and uncomfortable experiences for parent and child. And as carriers and slings become more commonplace, it's likely you'll be getting asked more and more questions in regards to there ideal use or what current guidelines are in place. 

If you are a profesional working with parents in the perinatal period, own a business that involves Babywearing or are hoping to start one, or a parent who wants to expand your own knowledge and skillset, my hands-on interactive training will give you the solid foundation you need so that you can confidently advise new parents on safe and correct Babywearing that will see them more connected than ever with their thriving baby. 💞

👉 Get proactive, learn more, and add this impactful service to your offerings! 

The two day training is a combination of theory based education and practical learning and will involve:

✔ Learn the importance of Babywearing in the 4th Trimester & beyond, the substantial benefits that comes with it, and why it’s an essential parenting tool for a parent’s well-being and a baby thriving

✔ Be confident advising on safe, optimal and comfortable ways to carry a baby in line with healthy hip, spine, and physiological development.

Know how to use the most common carriers correctly by testing them with special demo dolls, and how to simply and easily get them comfortable with the best troubleshooting tips

✔ Be across the board on frequent concerns, myths, and misconceptions that occur with parents and those in the wider community

✔ Be taught about special circumstances such as twins and premature bubs from guest experts with first-hand experience

✔ Get informed on how to conduct a Babywearing business, insurance and legal requirements, risk factors + more

I understand you care deeply about the new parents you work with and supporting them thoroughly through this intense new chapter in their lives. If they've ever complained to you about not getting a break or their baby being clingy, THIS IS THE TOOL you need to adequately equip them with to give them major relief! 🙏 

Brooke has helped thousands of parents in the last 5 years to learn the importance of babywearing, safety requirements, and the best techniques for comfort. She is delighted to offer this robust training to those wishing to infuse the same confidence and excitment into the parents they work with. 

What people have said about this training:

"Brooke, the training was incredible. I am so grateful to have been there. I got home and said can you imagine if I knew it was going to be THAT good and I didn’t go? I would have been DEVASTATED. I learnt so much. Now I feel so much more confident and knowledgeable and feeling so much more inspired with it all. Your knowledge, skills, dedication and support are so appreciated."

"Relaxed and informative."

"Educational, encouraging and empowering"

"Jam packed of information and inspiring to help others carry their babies!"

Inclusions & BONUSES (valued at over $1000!):

💥 Two-day training in Inner Adelaide/Sydney/Melbourne/Byron Bay
💥 Full delicious vegetarian/vegan catering
💥 My Babywearing Basics Guide in print (valued at $20)
💥 Lifetime access to my online training series ‘Babywearing Download’ (valued at $59)
💥 $100 gift voucher to be used towards your own Babywearing kit
💥 Certificate of completion for you to display on your website + in print
💥 15% discount available for those wishing to purchase carriers & slings at the training
💥 Ongoing support in private facebook group
💥 Your own deck of my Babywearing Milestone Cards for inspiration & fun (valued at $25)
💥 My beautifully binded training guide layed out with pictures and easy to follow summaries of all the teachings from the two day training for you to refer back to
💥 A 1 in 10 chance to win a Brand New Ergobaby Carrier or Tula Carrier to take home with you! (Valued at $299)
PLUS more surprises at the training 😘

My two day intensive training will cover you in the basics of Babywearing and is perfect for Doulas, Infant and Maternal Health Specialists, those conducting antenatal & postnatal classes or wishing to, volunteers hosting babywearing meet-ups, or parents themselves wishing to learn more robustly about their passion. 

This training will enable you to expand your offerings and unique point of difference! After completion you will be able to:

🎈 Confidently support new parents with up-to-date essential information on safe & optimal Babywearing best practices & add this to your services
🎈 Work as a Babywearing Consultant/Educator/Advocate knowing you have a solid foundation of training and ongoing support to see you succeed
🎈 Become a retailer of Babywearing Products feeling assured you can use and advice on these products correctly
🎈 Confidently support parents in your immediate community as a peer-educator on Babywearing
🎈 Advance your own skill set and knowledge on your personal love of Babywearing

ADELAIDE (Held in Mile End) - MARCH 21ST & 22ND
SYDNEY (Held in Forest Lodge) - APRIL 4TH & 5TH

Guest speakers include Natalie Esguerra (formally known as MummyNat) + more at all events. 


$850 - Adelaide & Sydney
$650 Early-Bird special for Melbourne & Byron Bay until May 4th! 

  • Strictly only 10 tickets available per training session 
  • Payment plans available via AfterPay or Paypal 

Purchase your spot now

Outine of Day 1: 
🔹 The history of babywearing, our natural instincts to carry and be carried, how essential it is to carry children for healthy brain development and healthy attachment, the importance of babywearing use in the 4th trimester, the long list of benefits to child and parent.
🔹 How to carry to support physiological development of the child specifically looking at the hips & spine, guest speaker to talk about hip dysplasia and how babywearing plays a role, looking at safety and making this the number 1 priority, TICKS guidelines and airway protection. 
🔹 Practical time! Demonstration of Stretchy Wraps, Woven Wraps, and Meh Dais, time to practice yourself and role-play instructing others, troubleshooting tips and advise on common issues.
🔹 Part 1 of 2 discussion on Babywearing Misconceptions, Concerns and Myths. 

Outine of Day 2: 
🔹 Start the day with Practical Time again! Demonstration of Ring Slings & Buckle Carriers, time to practice yourself and role-play instructing others, troubleshooting tips and advise on common issues. Plus looking at breastfeeding and babywearing. 
🔹 Part 2 of 2 discussion on Babywearing Misconceptions, Concerns and Myths. 
🔹 Guest speakers to talk about Premature Bubs & Babywearing, Twins & Babywearing and give first-hand experience and expertise + demonstrations.
🔹 The important role you will now play in instilling this confidence into parents and the positive impact you can make in making this tool normal, accessible, and acheiveable to see future generations of connected and thriving babies grow up.
🔹 Your responsibilites when giving babywearing advice, legalities, insurance, risks, how to structure and run a successful babywearing business, and more.
🔹 Where to from here... 

Before each training, a questionaire will go out to all those attending asking their background and what they wish to get out of the two days. Extra topics can and will come up and be covered over the 2 days depending on each indivicual group and their needs.  

👉  Invest in you, invest in your business, invest in your clients!
Take this leap to be a pioneer pushing forward for more parents to carry their children comfortably and confidently so that it becomes more and more normal and accessible to all.
I can't wait to support you in doing so! 

Purchase your spot now

Babes in arms and toddlers are welcome! Please email to let me know and I encourage you to have a support person to help you so you can get the most out of your time at the training. 

After booking you will be emailed further correspondence in regards to the questionnaire, location of training and what to bring etc. 

2 Partial Scholarships available to assist those with big visions but who are experiencing hardship - please email your letter of intent to outling why you should be awarded a partial scholarship and how you plan to utilise it - members of marginalised communities or those experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to apply.