6 Tips for Successful Shopping Trips While Babywearing

June 25, 2017

babywearing at the shops

Shopping in December- hectic! 

This is quite possibly the biggest shopping time of the year! So we thought it was time we talk about shopping while using a baby carrier, wrap, or sling. After all, it’s a bit of a different experience than shopping with a pram ;-).

Shopping is something most of us have to do multiple times a week all while juggling at least one small child. It’s definitely a whole new experience when it’s not just you.

Over the last year, I have been shopping with my baby and NO PRAM many, many times, so I’m something of an expert! Haha, not really. But I certainly have plenty of tips to share on shopping while babywearing…


#1 Use a Comfy Carrier

shopping while babywearing

If your carrier is not comfortable, it’s only going to make your shopping trip miserable due to your pain (ouch) or your baby’s discomfort. Not good. Invest in a comfy carrier! This means that it is a good fit for you both, age-appropriate for your baby, and ergonomic with a wide-base so that baby’s legs are in that beautiful froggied m-shape. If you like structured carriers, I can totally vouch for the Manduca or Soul AnoonA!

#2 Pack Light

babywearing bag

My giant handbag bag that fits everything I need!

I remember when I first became a mum. Everytime we went anywhere, I brought along this massive nappy bag that was sooo heavy and full of random items that we didn’t need, or could easily purchase for cheap if we ended up needing them. The best thing you can do is have a car-bag that includes multiple nappies, changes of clothes, etc. And then bring along your normal handbag with the bare basics. This could mean water for you, your wallet, a single nappy and couple of wipes, a spare dummy, and a snack.

#3 Babywearing Bag

babywearing bag for shopping

If you haven’t already, find yourself an awesome babywearing bag! If you front carry all the time, this could be a back-pack. If you back/hip carry as well, a shoulder bag is your most versatile option. It should have comfortable shoulder straps and just enough space for the basics mentioned in tip #2.

#4 Pee With Confidence

One of the scariest things about being a parent with a new baby (or even a toddler) is having to use the toilet in public. We did a whole blog post on using public toilets while babywearing, but in short, hands free peeing is so much better than the alternatives. You don’t have to find a special, extra wide toilet stall, line up with your pram (and at busy shopping times there are always lines!), or leave your toddler free to roam in a disgusting environment.

#5 Push a Trolley!

Leaving the pram at home means your hands are free to grab a trolley. And we all know that pushing a pram and a trolley at the same time is an impossible task. Pop your baby in the carrier, bag into the trolley, and shop away! I always see babies and toddlers fussing in trolley baby-seats (mine has certainly done it!), so bringing a carrier along as a backup could just save your shopping trip. Side note: baby carriers are also a whole lot more hygienic 😉

#6 Or.. Just Shop Online!

Thankfully, today, we have so many options. If you’re finding it hard to get out of the house, online shopping is your new best friend. So many shops (ours included!) offer free express shipping and AfterPay to make life easier for you. Even the local grocery shops offer a fantastic delivery service. If shopping (or heck, even driving) don’t currently agree with your baby or toddler, you really don’t have to push it.


Leave a comment with 2 of your most successful tried and tested methods to a successful shopping trip with kids in tow!


Happy babywearing & shopping up a storm!


Angela & Brooke



P.S. Enjoyed this article? Please feel free to share it or save for future reference! :-)

P.P.S. Good news… if you hate the idea of shopping in-store, we have a wonderful range of baby carriers and mama products available online. And… dun dun dun… even better… they’re all available with AfterPay so you can enjoy your purchase now and pay in full later! <3


Brooke Maree © 2017 All Rights Reserved. 

Being a copycat or blatantly stealing is never cool. There is a fine line between inspiration and stealing, so please be respectful, honest, and full of integrity when sharing this piece of writing or using its information. Many hours of work, planning, and editing goes into our pieces to ensure the highest quality first-hand information. Any of our work that is plagiarised will more than likely be found and brought to attentionThat being said, you are ALWAYS welcome to share our content, as long as you attribute and link back to the source. xxx

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