Babywearing While Pregnant – Third Trimester

July 10, 2017

babywearing while pregnant

Well, here we are! The third and final blog in our babywearing while pregnant series. Please feel free to have a read of first trimester babywearing and second trimester babywearing if you haven’t already.

Perhaps you’re on a similar journey to me and can relate to that feeling of being super close to being done. Tick tock 😉. I’m starting to really look forward to that feeling of not being pregnant, even though I know it’s about to be replaced by the feeling of having a baby attached to by boob 24/7. Either way, we’re on the final countdown and writing this post almost makes it feel more real – umm there’s actually going to be a new baby in my life VERY SOON!

It’s been such an honour to share my journey with you all and can’t wait for the next phase (babywearing with a newborn!!!).

Without further ado, I’d love to share my experiences of babywearing during third trimester.

pregnant and babywearing

We’re Still Doing It!

When I started this series, I didn’t know for sure if I’d be able to say this in my final blog post, but here we are and we’re still wearing! Of course, I’m not wearing anywhere near as much, but thankfully, my pregnancy has been fairly uneventful and I can still wear for brief periods without getting too uncomfortable… and my toddler still loves it. So I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we kept going until D-Day!

pregnant and babywearing

One of our last front-carries, snuggling under a rain jacket in our SSC.

Keeping It Simple

I don’t have heaps of energy these days and every moment feels like I’m rushing to get something ticked off my list. No time and no energy means that I’m keeping my babywearing choices nice and simple – SSCs, Onbuhimo, and my ring sling are all getting plenty of love, where previously I used to only reach for my wraps. Such a change! I’m looking forward to coming back to my wraps with the new baby though for nice, close snuggles and long-wearing comfort.

Babywearing in Public Makes Me Look Crazy

babywearing pregnant

Babywearing at the shops on my back, in a wrap... feeding grapes to my toddler. Embrace the crazy!

But I LOVE it haha. The other day, I went shopping and had my little one on my back in the SSC. At one point, I had my giant handbag on one shoulder and about four shopping bags spread between both hands, all while being obviously pregnant and carrying the toddler on my back. I am pretty sure I wasn’t imagining some of the looks I was getting, but hey, I strutted my stuff because I am owning this crazy pregnant mama thing! :’)

Front, Back, Hip

Front and centred carries are no longer possible for more than a few minutes. It’s just wayyy too much weight and pressure on my belly and belly bub isn’t a fan! Hip carries are a lovely alternative, as long as it’s only for a few minutes, because they can throw my balance off a little, which isn’t great for my hips/back. Back carries are my go-to for any time I need to wear out in public and I can comfortably do them for up to an hour, depending on how I’m feeling that day.

Favourite Carriers

toddler baby carrier

When you have a toddler, there's a lot of babywearing that looks like this... featuring my empty SSC in the background!

Right now, my favourite carrier is still my SSC (waistband included!) for back carries. I simply wear the waistband up high over my bump and it totally works! Next comes the ring sling, for quick hip carries (and its super pretty 😉). Finally, I’m loving the Onbuhimo for quick, compact carrying when we’re out and about (and my toddler is up and down). I still have my woven wraps, but they’ve been mostly neglected lately, aside from some belly wrapping.

That’s it from me… I look forward to sharing some lovely squishy baby photos and experiences with you soon!

Happy babywearing & baby growing!



P.S. Enjoyed this article? Please feel free to save or share it for future reference! :-)

P.P.S. You can find all of the carrier types (SSC, ring sling, woven wrap, onbuhimo) mentioned here in this article in our online shop, all with AfterPay! <3


Copyright Brooke Maree © 2017

Being a copycat or blatantly stealing is never cool. There is a fine line between inspiration and stealing, so please be respectful, honest, and full of integrity when sharing this piece of writing or using its information. Many hours of work, planning, and editing goes into our pieces to ensure the highest quality first-hand information. Any of our work that is plagiarised will more than likely be found and brought to attention. That being said, you are ALWAYS welcome to share our content, as long as you attribute and link back to the source. xxx

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