How to Fix a Pull in Your Woven Wrap

January 22, 2017

how to fix a pull

A pull is a loop of thread that comes away from your wrap, but is still in one piece and attached.

Pulls aren’t really anything to stress about, honestly! Woven wraps are there to be USED and if that means you get a pull here and there, so be it. :-)

Pulls can form really easily, especially in pull prone wraps. Certain fibres can be slipperier and more pull-prone, and certain weaves can catch easier than others.

With a little patience and a steady hand, you can fix just about any pull in a wrap.

Although pulls shouldn’t cause you too much stress, they are still important to fix when you get the chance.

Why fix a pull? It is important to fix pulls as soon as you can to ensure that your wrap doesn’t get more damaged, as pulls can more easily lead to a broken thread and further issues. Also, if you’re planning to pass your wrap on to the next buyer or user, it’s considered good manners to fix pulls or at least disclose any pulls with a picture.

Let’s get started…

Find the length of thread that is part of your pull, and start to work it back through the fabric, bit by bit. You’ll need at least one pin or needle to do this.

Tiny, simple pulls can be worked back through very quickly, with just a few tugs on the thread, either side of the loop.

If your wrap is a fairly complex weave (I’m looking at you, Pavo Etinis!!!) or a longer pull, it will need a little extra attention. Use a pin each time you tug at the thread to secure and mark the spot. This ensures you won’t lose it, but also means that you can easily come back and re-adjust the thread tension to even it out along the thread length.

This is definitely where some patience goes a long way. Good lighting and minimal distraction help too (don’t do this while you’re wrangling a child ;-)).

When your pull is barely noticeable, with just teeny tiny loops along the length you’ve been working with, put it in for a wash so that the fibres fluff up and mesh back together.

infographic how to fix a woven wrap pull

Prevention is the Best Cure!

To avoid pulls in future, be wary of jewellery, rough or long fingernails, wooden fences, Velcro, keys, and other potentially pointy/sharp objects.

Or if you really hate pulls, try to choose woven wraps that are less prone to them. Less slippery or pull-prone fibres are cotton and wool, and slipperier fibres can be bamboo, tencel, and silk. A looser, more open weave is going to catch on objects and pull more easily, whereas a finer, tighter weave is much less likely to pull.


Happy pull-fixing and babywearing!




P.S. Found this info handy? Please feel free to save or share it for future reference! :-)

P.P.S. Brooke Maree have plenty of gorgeous woven wraps in stock (pretty much all of which are easy care and not prone to pulls, yay!). Please feel free to go and check them out!


Copyright Brooke Maree © 2020


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